Monday, February 20, 2012

What NOT to do after a BreakUp


*LISTEN to songs that remind you of him/her. Your only setting yourself up for sadness.

*TRY to become "friends" right away. You both need space, if you needed to be close, you would be together.

*TRY the whole "CHILL" & "CUDDLE" thing, it only means OPEN SEX & a CLOSED HEART. It doesn't make sense to bring emotions to a gun fight. & neither does this

*DRUNK TEXT = BAD IDEA. if you know your going to be wasted and emotional , leave your phone at home. SAVE THE MISERY. trust me.

* STALK his/her facebook, twitter, or even blogs. all the things you had access to in a relationship needs to be cut off NOW.

*THINK of all the good times and not the bad. think of the reasons why your in this position now. SOME things are just meant to be let go.

*TRY to use another another girl/guy to make them jealous, it bring more chaos. Instead of dealing with just one broken heart, your now dealing with 3. YOURS, THE EX's, & THE REPLACEMENT. its just not worth the heartache.

*"ACCIDENTLY" text, him/her just to gain there 3 minute attention. You know your real intentions, and they do to.

*INSIST That every guy/girl is a bad person of this break up, make sure to leave some space for  a new love. Its NOT okay to make someone else deal with a heart that they didn't break

*LASTLY don't sit in a slump, still do things that make you happy, stay busy and you will 
realize how feelings can fade, life goes on and you have to REMEMBER THAT.

When a good thing goes bad Its not the end of the world. Its just the end of a world That you have with one girl/guy. -DRAKE

"Always Love Yourself"

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