Monday, February 20, 2012

Fashion Tips 4 Spring? the BOHEMIAN look is BACK.

The Love of The Bohemian Style is amazing. Its always fun to wear and shows the versatility of a different culture. The Boheminan style is for both men and female, soo you and your boy toy or girl toy can go out looking awesome together. Whats better than a cute couple that compliments each others style.

For new SPRING FASHION, try a new style, and if this is more of your style already, try to add more a spring color to it. The best colors are a nice cherry Blossom Pink, Lavender, different shades of Brown. To add more spice to this spring fashion, add a shade of blue, such as Bondi blue and and Turquoise. The best colors for spring are not black and white, but not to bright. Save more the bright colors when summer comes around!!!
Us woman, love our lace, its sexy, fun, yet also classy. Take some shopping time out and get some shopping in for it. Lace can be worn at the beach, school, and on a hot date.

With your new look, try some try some tribal nail designs. It looks really hard, but with time it becomes easier. The shades of blue in these accessories really give off a great look on all 

skins tones of skin. & 
It brings  a great unique vibe with the Bohemian style this These earrings are fun to add on, and can go great with anything. Try some earrings studs or hoops with calm ocean 
blue type of color 

your definitely 
winning this spring. 

 This is actually a student a CSU, who took my advise about the colors to wear during the spring. "Yeah i loved the colors, when put together they all looked meant to be together, thanks. -Kimberly Manning.

 This is me wearing my own suggestions for this coming spring, i put together a sky blue and soft yellow cardigan with tribal print, and soft yellow boots. I loved the soft blue shades so i wore those colors in my accessories (picture to left)

Here I'm wearing tribal skirt with a gold necklace, but you can see I'm wearing the tribal print skirt with the soft colors i mentioned that were best to be worn around this season!!!.

Send Me Some Of You Bohemian Styles 
Ill Put Them On The Blog.
twitter: @TrueLifeJDenise

Spring is Near, You NOW are Prepared! - Jaz <3


              Amazing chick from china "China Chick"

she loves to dress up for school, she said
its almost in her nature to do it. I agree with
you! it really is a natural instinct to look good.
Up (top) we have Shea wearing a fun spring look around campus. She has an amazing body and obviously isn't afraid to show it. GREAT LEGS.!

Up top we have very modern vintage look
he told me that he got his shirt from a "thrift store yesterday"  who would of never known?  This is a Very unique style for a guy and we love the mustache you have going on. FFT APPROVES

steve. amazing style, he looked great.
brought a great skater edge to college,
with a great swag. His earphones matched
his  backpack, thought i point that out.
great look for guys!!!

 Justin  (Right) great chill style for a fun exciting event on campus. He put together cargo pants with vans and topped it off with his mid high Nike socks. His nice fitted cap and sunglasses GREAT LOOK . thanks Justin for being in FFT. 

Up top we have Jacob,(up top)  is a really nice guy, he has amazing style, very college like and comfortable. Btw he has an amazing way with the camera, dont YOU agree


What NOT to do after a BreakUp


*LISTEN to songs that remind you of him/her. Your only setting yourself up for sadness.

*TRY to become "friends" right away. You both need space, if you needed to be close, you would be together.

*TRY the whole "CHILL" & "CUDDLE" thing, it only means OPEN SEX & a CLOSED HEART. It doesn't make sense to bring emotions to a gun fight. & neither does this

*DRUNK TEXT = BAD IDEA. if you know your going to be wasted and emotional , leave your phone at home. SAVE THE MISERY. trust me.

* STALK his/her facebook, twitter, or even blogs. all the things you had access to in a relationship needs to be cut off NOW.

*THINK of all the good times and not the bad. think of the reasons why your in this position now. SOME things are just meant to be let go.

*TRY to use another another girl/guy to make them jealous, it bring more chaos. Instead of dealing with just one broken heart, your now dealing with 3. YOURS, THE EX's, & THE REPLACEMENT. its just not worth the heartache.

*"ACCIDENTLY" text, him/her just to gain there 3 minute attention. You know your real intentions, and they do to.

*INSIST That every guy/girl is a bad person of this break up, make sure to leave some space for  a new love. Its NOT okay to make someone else deal with a heart that they didn't break

*LASTLY don't sit in a slump, still do things that make you happy, stay busy and you will 
realize how feelings can fade, life goes on and you have to REMEMBER THAT.

When a good thing goes bad Its not the end of the world. Its just the end of a world That you have with one girl/guy. -DRAKE

"Always Love Yourself"

Thursday, February 16, 2012



Jazmine CSU San Marcos
Carly CSU San Marcos

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Top 10 Reason Why Women Fake Orgasms

1) She Rather Please
2) Shes Not In The Mood
3) Dont Want To Ruin His Ego
4) Your Taking To Long, & Shes Sleepy
5) Things Are Too Comfortable 
6) She Feels Disconnected
7) Shes Bored
8) Thinks It Will Jazz Up The Sex A Bit
9) To Keep Her Man
10) Sorry Guys, Your Just Not That Good.