Have you ever been forced to be taken away from your home, family, and CHILDHOOD to become a soldier to someone who wants nothing but the power of owning you?. Furthermore have you ever wanted to rather not be alive and see your family again in heaven, because you were forced to kill them? YEA, me neither. For the past 26 years and more, Joseph Kony has taken children boy and girls from there home, and forcing the boys to become child soldiers and little girls be forced into child sex slaves. Uganda has been under attack with these issues way too long, not with just with regular problems like you and i have on a daily basis, but much more!
These families have gone through way too much, and it has been going on longer than many of our life spans. Many of us fear of losing many things, but none thought it would be possible of being able to give it back. STOP KONY is a organization that is going to be able to make change that by giving back to Africans everything that was taken away from them. and our JOB is to make sure this happens.WE can all be apart of that change.
How do help?
We become a VOICE. a voice that can make a change. This isn't about just whats happening in Uganda, because there are many issues all over the world, who share similar crisis, but one day at a time it will be defeated. Yet, its about us as HUMANS, standing up for something, positive, and right for a change. It's where we, of all ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, let go of what the society has made us become, and make the world, know who we decided we will be REMEMBERED as.
visit KONY2012.COM & take your pledge